
Sponsored by the Girls Day School Trust, committed to the education of young women.

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The Belvedere Academy

16-19 Tuition Fund

At Belvedere, we welcome the additional 16-19 tuition funding to mitigate some of the disruption to learning due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Priority is to be given to those students who did not achieve a pass (grade 4 or above) in English and/or Maths. Students who are from an economically disadvantaged background or have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) will also be able to benefit by receiving extra support towards narrowing gaps in their learning in any of their Level 3 courses (A Level or BTEC) or through receiving extra support with academic and life skills that will support them with life now and for life after Belvedere.

The extra funding will be used to facilitate small group and individual academic tuition with a subject-specialist, individual and small group sessions with a learning mentor and personalised careers advice. Tuition will take place over the academic year, with concentrated efforts in advance of mock examinations, exam board- specified coursework deadlines and external examinations in Summer 2024. For more information, please visit:

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