Summary of governance arrangements
The GDST Academy Trust has overall responsibility for the academy which is exercised through the Academy Trust Board (“ATB”).
The ATB sets the vision and strategic direction, approves budgets, annual accounts and key policies and reviews academic performance. The Girls' Day School Trust (as principal sponsors) appoints the majority of the trustees of the ATB, which is chaired by a Girls' Day School Trust Council Member. Other trustees include a representative of the HSBC Education Programme (our co-sponsors of The Belvedere Academy) and the two Chairmen of the GDST Academy Trust local governing bodies (from Birkenhead High School Academy and The Belvedere Academy).
The academy also has a Local Governing Body (“LGB”) which is accountable to the ATB. The role of the LGB includes monitoring the academy’s financial and academic performance, approving policies which relate solely to the academy, and promoting the academy and fostering links with the local community.
The Principal is appointed by the ATB and is accountable to the ATB.
The Principal has overall executive responsibility for the academy, including specifically for the following activities which have been formally delegated to the Principal by the ATB:
- the development of the academy’s strategic Development Plan and its implementation;
- the internal organisation, management and control of the academy;
- the implementation of all policies approved by the ATB and LGB;
- the direction of the teaching and curriculum.
For more information about our Academy Trust, please follow the link: GDST Academy Trust
Local Governing Body
Chair of LGB - C/O The Belvedere Academy, 17 Belvidere Road, Liverpool, L8 3TF
Ms J. Galvin (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 13/09/2023
First term (September 2021)
- Ms S. Adams, Vice Chair (Parent Representative)
Appointed by: Parental Election
From: 01/04/2019, elected Vice Chair September 2021
Second term (April 2023) - Dr A. Fairclough (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 03/09/2021
First term (September 2021) - Miss K. Bevan (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 03/09/2021
First term - Mrs D. Silcock (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 23/09/2021
First term(September 2021) - Mrs G. Fennell (Parent Governor)
Appointed by: Parental Election
From: 06/01/2022
First term (December 2021) - Ms Z. Salam (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 01/01/2024
First term (January 2024) - Ms A. Onuora (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 09/05/2024
First term (May 2024) -
Mrs A. Holding (External Member)
Appointed by: GB/board
From: 30/01/2025
First term (January 2025)
Mrs J. Ryan (Support Staff)
Appointed by: School Staff Election
From: 26/09/2022
First term (September 2021) - Mrs C. Hughson (Teaching Staff)
Appointed by: School Staff Election
From: 14/11/2022
First term
- Mrs J. Taylor (Principal)
Appointed by: Members of the academy trust
From: 01/09/2019
First term
Mrs N. Smith (Principal's PA, The Belvedere Academy)