
Sponsored by the Girls Day School Trust, committed to the education of young women.

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The Belvedere Academy


Ofsted Inspection - January 2015

The Belvedere Academy was inspected by Ofsted on 29th and 30th January 2015.

It was the second Ofsted inspection since becoming an academy in 2007, and this is what the inspectors said…

  • Overall effectiveness - Outstanding  1
  • Leadership and management - Outstanding  1
  • Behaviour and safety of pupils - Outstanding  1
  • Quality of teaching - Outstanding  1
  • Achievement of pupils - Outstanding  1
  • Sixth-form provision - Outstanding  1


"This is an outstanding school."

"Teaching is of a high quality."

"Teachers have high expectations of all pupils."

"Pupils make rapid and sustained progress."

"Students’ behaviour is impeccable. They are courteous and polite and are very happy at the academy."

Sixth Form Headlines

"Students in the sixth form achieve exceptionally well in a wide range of subjects and courses."

"They are extremely well prepared for their next phase in higher education or training."

"Students have excellent attitudes to learning and take great pride in, and full responsibility for, their work."

Please find a copy of the inspector’s report below.

Ofsted Inspection - May 2010

The Belvedere Academy was inspected by Ofsted on 26th & 27th May 2010.

It was the first Ofsted inspection since becoming an academy in 2007, and this is what the inspectors said…

  • Overall effectiveness: how good is the academy - Outstanding   1
  • The academy's capacity for sustained improvement - Outstanding   1
  • Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils - Outstanding   1
  • How effective is the provision?  - Outstanding   1
  • How effective are leadership and management? - Outstanding   1
  • Overall effectiveness of the sixth form - Outstanding   1


"The core values of Belvedere have been maintained in the last three years."

"Students take pride in what being a "Belvedere girl" means."

Notably in the main findings of the full report, the Inspectors also reported that:

"Belvedere Academy provides its students with an excellent education."

"Standards are exceptionally high."

"All aspects of teaching, the curriculum and the care, guidance and support provided for students are exemplary."

"The behaviour, conduct and attitude of the students are excellent. They are studious, mature and highly aspirational young people."

"The outstanding leadership of the Principal and the very effective support of the senior team have skillfully guided the Academy through a challenging period of transition while maintaining very high standards."

"Capacity for further improvement is outstanding."

Please find a copy of the inspector’s report below.

Ofsted Inspection of English – November 2011

On the 22nd and 23rd November 2011 we had another visit from Ofsted, this time to look at work in English.

Visits were made to a cross section of primary, secondary and special schools to track the impact of recent initiatives and to investigate the need for future developments.

Lessons are observed, staff and students interviewed, documentation reviewed and pupils’ work scrutinised. The inspector is then required to make judgements about achievement, quality of teaching, quality of curriculum and the effectiveness of leadership and management, all related to English in this instance.

We are delighted to report that the inspection found English to be "outstanding" in all areas, and that the overall effectiveness in English was "outstanding" this confirms, once again, the findings of the Ofsted report of 2010 which found Belvedere Academy to be offering"outstanding" education to its students.

Please find a copy of the inspector’s report below.

Parent View

Ofsted's Parent View results for The Belvedere Academy can be found using the following link:

HMI Monitoring Inspection - June 2009

A short two day monitoring visit by HMI ends on an incredibly positive note, with inspectors hugely impressed by the work taking place at Belvedere since it became an academy in September 2007.

"The Belvedere Academy, like its predecessor school, is meeting its fundamental aim to inspire girls to high ambition and achievement."  

HMI, June 2009

Inspectors observed the academy's work, scrutinised documents and met with many staff and students. Telephone discussions were also held with the acting chief executive of the GDST and the chair of the local governing body.

Please find a copy of the inspector’s report below.


Inspection reports can be downloaded below in either a summarised or full format.

GDST Academy Trust is a Limited Company and Charity · Registered in England No. 6000347 · Registered Office: 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH