
Sponsored by the Girls Day School Trust, committed to the education of young women.

More about the GDST

The Belvedere Academy


At the Belvedere Academy we aim to create a child centred and coordinated approach to safeguarding. We do this by ensuring that all our staff know that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.

All staff are trained to identify children that may need additional help and support and to provide a safe environment where all our pupils can learn. 

The academy also has a team of 6 designated safeguarding leads and they can be contacted on

Ms Speed is also a trained DSL and responsible for online safety at the academy and can also be contacted via email ( with any online safeguarding issues or questions.

Safeguarding Updates


Click here to ready the latest Liverpool Parenting Newsletter.

You will find new information to support Parents/ Carers, Families and children in Liverpool during the Month of December. Along with information regarding events and activities on offer.   

The Newsletter includes information on services that can support parents during the month of December and into the New Year. 

  • Family Hub and Children Centres
  • December Events Across The City for Families
  • Winter health support
  • Childcare
  • Debt Advice
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Education Wonderhub Activities
  • Employment Support and Adult Learning opportunities
  • Foodbanks
  • Mental Health
  • Money Management and Financial help
  • Parenting Programmes
  • Parental Mental Health
  • Support for Fathers

Safer Schools Police Officer

We work very closely with our safer schools police officer PC Haley Davies. PC Haley is in school every Friday morning and is able to support school with all aspects of keeping our school community safe. PC Haley is able to meet with parents and pupils so if you feel this would be helpful please get in touch with the safeguarding team and we can arrange this for you.



Operation Encompass

We participate in a project in partnership with Merseyside Police called Operation Encompass alongside all other schools in Liverpool.  The project aims to support children who are affected by domestic abuse.  Each school has a member of staff who is trained to liaise with the police, when required, whilst ensuring support is available to the child.  If you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs J Marshall -


There is a wealth of information to support your child’s mental health via the CAMHS website. Support for parents and additional training can also be accessed through this site - Liverpool CAMHS

If you want to make a referral for your child you can do this by following the link - Make a referral to Liverpool CAMHS

However if you need urgent support then please contact the Liverpool CAMHS Crisis Care team. Advice can be sought 24/7 using - Emergency advice - Liverpool CAMHS



As an alternative to CAMHS, YPAS also offers mental health support to young people and their families - What We Do - YPAS

They also offer an alternative to crisis drop in at three community hubs and these provide a safe space for children and young people. Trained professionals staff will listen and support them through difficult times. The timings for these hubs can be found using the link - Walk In Support Hub - YPAS



Kooth is an online mental health community that offers advice to young people via online counselling, blogs, discussion boards and journals. Your child can sign up anonymously for support via this organisation - Kooth




We employ a Place2Be mental health practitioner 3 days per week Tuesday to Thursday. Hend is available to support our young people with the following services:

  • Place2Talk 30 minute drop in session - parent can email, phone or child can come to Hend’s room 
  • Structured 50 minute counselling 8 to 12 weeks - referrals from child, FT, HOY, DSL etc or parent referral
  • Parent support - email, phone and can offer one off or a few session by phone or face to face

Hend can be contacted via email: or by phone 0151 471 1853.


Young Carers

At the academy we have a Young Carers Team that look after all our young carers. We are aware that some of our young people have to spend a large amount of their free time caring for a family member who needs extra support.

Our Young carers take on a lot of responsibilities which can include mental health support, physical help including cooking, washing, hep with medication, personal care and looking after younger siblings That’s a lot to take on for a young person and many don’t realise they are doing anything special. Sometimes their additional responsibilities mean that young carers miss out on opportunities that other children have to play and learn.

If you think your child may be a young carer or that they need more support in school then please get in touch via

Young Carers | Barnardo's 


Parent Zone 

Parent Zone helps families to flourish by understanding them. Through thier research and extensive range of delivery routes, Parent Zone offer the kinds of support that makes digital family life easier - Parent Zone 

GDST Academy Trust is a Limited Company and Charity · Registered in England No. 6000347 · Registered Office: 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH